United Veterans Council of Kent County
The purpose of the United Veterans Council of Kent County is to promote the interest of all veterans of the United States of America by providing a vehicle for the unified action of all veteran organizations in the County of Kent.
The purpose of the United Veterans Council of Kent County is to promote the interest of all veterans of the United States of America by providing a vehicle for the unified action of all veteran organizations in the County of Kent.
Membership in the council shall be open to all organizations of veterans having their home or headquarters within Kent County, Michigan
Membership in the council shall be open to all organizations of veterans having their home or headquarters within Kent County, Michigan
Our meeting dates are:
28 January
25 February
25 March
. Location: Hero's Corner. 4809 Eastern Ave SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49508
If you have any questions please email us at: uvckentcounty@gmail.com
If you have any questions please email us at: uvckentcounty@gmail.com